Responses to the consultation on DHCLG Select Committee
"The effectiveness of current land value capture methods" must be sent to the select committee by 2 March 2018 at
Not that I am in a position to tell anybody what to say, but I think that the following points might be of relevance and helpful to the committee members.
As with any changes to the planning system it would be helpful to simplify matters. The
basic principle should be that any introduction of capturing land value supersedes
either the existing use of CIL or s106.
The Government has been largely responsible for house price inflation. If the demand side stimuli of funding for
landing, Help to Buy and intermediate housing (allowing the purchase of only
part of the equity) were removed the price of new houses prices would
fall. Government should be severely
embarrassed by the profits being declared by the major builders that are
largely created by Government subsidies (a Persimmon Director taking over £100m in share options). Similarly unacceptable profits are
being made my land owners and traders. A number of Tories (including Nick Boles but not Lynn Truss) realise that very few votes would be lost were the
value of development land to be decided by the DV (subject to appeal). The beneficiaries would be all the purchasers
of realistically priced homes. S.106 should be used to secure the
provision of necessary infrastructure.
This should be interpreted more loosely (Written Ministerial Statement
required) to allow for new development to make a contribution towards existing
infrastructure (ie wear and tear and a direct benefit to the developers new
customers). Permitted development rights to convert
rural buildings and offices into dwellings without permissions of CIL/s.106
payments should be repealed.
all government demand side stimuli which currently fuel house price inflation
and go straight into the profits of developers and landowners. Remove
all the CIL regulations. Allow
LPAs to secure the funding of all ‘necessary infrastructure’ by dismissing
appeals where developers are seeking permissions to develop ‘on the cheap’ and
placing the infrastructure burden on the new and existing residents and
businesses. Remove
all permitted development rights which allow dwellings to be created without
paying for necessary infrastructure. Where
land with permission is not being developed, CPO powers should be used to secure
this for self-custom building, or social housing. There should be reinstated requirements for
self/custom builders and social housing providers to pay for necessary infrastructure
(costs that would be reflected in the land price.
need is to reduce housing subsidies rather than introduce any more mechanisms to
capture increases in land value. In most
if not all parts of the country house prices will be high enough to create
sufficient value to pay for necessary infrastructure. It is unlikely that 300,000 would be built
(and sold) at the proper values when demand side subsidies have been
removed. The Government should be prepared to
bear the electoral costs of any decreases in house prices ie increases in
affordability, that should arise from removing the subsidies.