"Notwithstanding estimates of over 700,000 empty homes ie about 3 years supply of new housing, the greatest potential is to balance the size of households and housing in the existing stock of about 26 million dwellings. Provoked by a planning application for 70 houses on my doorstep where less than a third would be 2 bedroomed (and all for social rent or equity shared) the following letter was sent to the paper. There was no reaction in the following week's paper.
Should we be concerned that five of the
applications for residential development reported in the Abingdon Herald (7 January)
and Oxford Times (8 January) propose a preponderance of larger houses? Consultants
for the Vale of White Horse District Council advised that 97% of new dwellings
would need to be one or two bedroomed to rebalance the size of households and
housing. The average household size is
around 2.3 people, and decreasing. Over75%
of dwellings in Oxfordshire have one, and more often two or more spare bedrooms. And nationally, the spare capacity in the
existing housing stock of about 26m dwellings is the equivalent of building
250,000 new 2 bedroomed homes for the next 80 years.
For many reasons, we are not all going to
immediately “right-size” into a house to fit our family circumstances. However,
these current planning applications show the intention of housebuilders to provide
a majority (ie about 60%) of three and more often four bedroomed houses (and 3 parking
spaces/dwelling!). That the smaller
dwellings are mostly for rent suggests that larger houses are being provided for
reasons other than meeting ‘objectively assessed housing need’, as is intended
by Government. If, however, a large
number of attractive smaller dwellings (some with generous gardens) were
provided, a significant number of large dwellings vacated by downsizers would
become available.
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