should not be too high in respect of the ability of any agency to predict the
future of weather, climate or flooding.
Given the outcome of the COP21 in Paris and the national pledges it would
be sensible to estimate climate, weather and flooding on a 3 degree rise in
global temperatures. Although
circumstances might change, currently there is no evidence for any other basis
for such calculations.
Planning has been
carried out on assumptions that are proving to be completely wrong. Extreme
(called ‘unprecedented’) and devastating weather events are occurring at about
1 degree of global warming. Measures
should now be considered which allow for events at significantly warmer temperatures. Such measures should not be rejected because
some optimism bias that makes it conceivable that the worst will not happen.
The planning
system has been extremely bad at preventing building in known or suspected
flood plains. This is not because of the
policies that have been accepted at national and local levels but mainly due to
the Government’s desire to see housebuilding rates maintained and increased.
Due to section 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework ‘Meeting the challenge of
climate change, flooding and coastal change’(emphasis
added), all those involved in facing
the issues of flooding and climate change should be following the Government’s lead that
sees this as a single and inseparable challenge.
the issues of flooding and climate change should be following the Government’s lead that
sees this as a single and inseparable challenge.
There is
a obvious problem that the Chancellor has decided that much if not most of the
Government policy in section 10 is not being followed by the Business,
Transport or Communities (inc planning) Ministries.
Transport or Communities (inc planning) Ministries.
problem is not with existing policies but in their implementation.
the Government gets serious about reducing carbon emissions any flood
measures are likely to prove futile.
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